Victoria to Cape Spear

Monday 13 August 2012

Ottawa Break - July 27 to August 13

Monday, August 13th
We planned on heading out today to resume the trip, but have dragged our feet a little getting ready (or more likely prioritized our local recreational cycling and seeing friends rather than getting down to the boring business of packing up).  We had a great cycle with Mike and Lynn out to Bass Lake yesterday followed up by a swim, beer and food - all the important stuff they are so good at providing (but we forgot to take a photo, drat).  During the week there were more appointments, a look at a smaller camper/van (on hold for now since there have been no bites on our RV sale), community clubhouse stuff, meeting with friends from work (thanks to Pascale and Maria for coming out to Kanata and to Miriam for a very long coffee break out of her busy schedule), touching base with Tracy and John, and a lot of usual household stuff (which will be nice to get a break from again).

This is kind of personal, but I find it kind of amusing so will share it despite the fact that my kids will think it is TMI.  I learned this week that my testosterone levels are high.  The doctor asked me if I was working out a lot.  Hmmmmm....I was feeling a little boyish with the short haircut and my newly developed core muscles but didn't consider there was actually a biological component to it!

I've logged 550 km during our break here.  It sounds good until I think that it has been over an 18 day period and I've been doing that amount in 4 or 5 days.  Anyway, leg 9 will start tomorrow as we head out to somewhere near Lachute on the Quebec side of the Ottawa River, and then to Montreal on Wednesday.  Once I get through that city I'll be a happy camper - no more metropolitan areas to navigate - it's so much simpler and less stressful to meander along country roads and even the trans-Canada if there is a shoulder.

Monday, August 6th
We've put in a decent bit of cycling this week, managing to log in 330 km since we got home. Last week we slogged up to Champlain Lookout in the Gatineau Hills in heat and humidity.  I've never been good in heat but this summer has improved my tolerance so I was pleased to see I could do it (albeit with a dip at Westboro Beach on the way back).

The heat broke overnight and we got out again to Champlain Lookout today with our good friend Mike Manore in much cooler temps, although it was warm when we finished up.  We were treated to drinks and snacks and the pool back at Mike and Lynn's place - wonderful hosts as always! 
We were visited by a curious little guy at the top of Champlain Lookout

During the week we managed a couple of cycles in the countryside near Kanata.  I made a bathroom break on the roadside along Thomas Dolan Drive and couldn't resist take a photo of this beaver dam.
Patriotic beavers, no less
Sunday, August 5th
It has been a busy week to say the least.  The biggest thing I got off my plate was finding a car for Sam to do her while in teacher's college in Thunder Bay this coming year.  Thanks to referrals from friends to check out in Richmond, and to the great sales guy Matt Spezza (yep, Jason's brother), Sam now has a 2008 Mazda 3 hatchback!

I drove the car to Toronto on Friday with two objectives - to deliver it to Sam and to take in my sister Nancy's SURPRISE birthday party in Niagara Falls on Saturday.  Despite the horrible snarl in Toronto because of Caribana weekend and the traffic volume on the way down to Niagara, I would drive it all again in a heartbeatIt just to see the look on Nancy's face when we showed up.  It was a wonderful treat as well, for me and Sam to spend time with my other sisters, extended family and Nancy's good friends.  Thanks to Jackie and Dan for hosting and managing to keep the whole thing a secret.
A good imitation of too much to drink

After many years of playing practical "water" jokes on others, Nancy finally gets one!
Aren't we cute?

Nancy and Doug
Out hosts Jackie and Dan
Bobbie and Tom

Sunday, July 29th
My bike has received a cool make-over, thanks to Mike Glew.  Mike stripped the old shifters off my original handlebars, and fitted the new ones on from Michael Elliot of Ecoadventures in Nipigon.  Then he put my original handlebar configuration back on the bike, complete with new tape, plus brake and de-railer cables.  Check out the cool tape design!

Now I can spot my bike in a crowd

Saturday, July 28th

We had a wonderful surprise last night when Chris and Kelly and kids "dropped by" on their way from Charlotte to Halifax via Detroit.  Bad weather in Detroit delayed their flight arrival and despite a three-hour layover, they missed the connection to Halifax.  Rather than spend a night in Detroit with a subsequent late day flight today to Halifax, they arranged a late night connection to Ottawa and an afternoon flight today to Halifax.  It was such a treat to have them here and see the kids!


Later in the afternoon I cycled with my touring bike into Ottawa to do a few errands.  It was hot, and quiet on the bike paths (I think all the wise people are sitting by a lake somewhere this weekend). I have never seen the Ottawa River so low, with large mud flats leading out from the shore along the path near Britannia. It was a trip down memory lane on the paths which I cycled for many years while commuting.  The picture below was taken along a section of the path between Crystal Beach and Kanata, a favourite walk with Tessa when she was young.
bike path between Moodie Rd. and Teron Dr.

I've come to realize how good this cycling trip is for me - mind, body and soul.  I like to think that the exercise and fresh air have contributed to the absence of occasional "brain fog", even though that might have something to do with being retired and more relaxed, as well as having a fairly simple set of responsibilities every day (figure out destination, ride bike, pay attention to traffic, stop to eat and drink, ride bike, eat and drink again, ride bike, stop for the night and eat and drink again).  My body feels great - I like my tan even though my arms look and feel like brown leather, and I love how my legs and core feel.  As for the soul, with a clear mind and fit body, it kind of shines through a little better.  I'm beginning to realize the real me is OK, introverted, crowd adverse, bohemian and all.  I'm learning to trust my gut feelings a little more and that it is all right to go against the grain and to forget about striving to be accepted and liked by everybody.

I'm also thinking that sitting in a closed up house in suburbia with the A/C on, on a beautiful summer night is not my cup of tea.  Time to find a nice little four season cottage slightly off the beaten track.  We're going to try and skirt the few remaining large cities on the cycle, and if I could do this all again I would avoid them completely.

Friday, July 27th

One day home and I'm ready to be on the road again.....

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